Friday, March 25, 2011

Water Under the Bridge

There has been a lot of water that has passed under the bridge since I last contributed a blog entry! The river of life keeps moving on, even if we don't pause to talk about it every once-in-awhile.

While the water keeps flowing, we need to make sure we give attention to most important things. I think we often have distractions that allow us to avoid the important things. For some it may be Facebook. For me, it is just simply email. I think there are many of us who would say that if we gave a careful response to every email that comes our way, we could actually spend our whole day - every day - on email. Given that Facebook and email are both communciation tools that help us keep in touch with people, as well as accomplish things, we have to figure out how to manage them as tools to use rather than the master that rules us.

This season of Spring is a time, for many places in Canada, where the rivers that have stopped flowing for the winter because of the ice on them begin to melt and break up. It is amazing to see (and hear) the power of the spring break up of river ice. But, for today's thoughts, I am led to the possibility of the river stopping its flow and taking a rest.

It may look like I took a winter break from blogging because I let the constant flow of water under the bridge freeze up and stop. But reality, as you might well imagine, is that the real water of work, life, and technical support has been flowing so hard and fast that I have not found the time to stop and write.

While I haven't yet figured out the function, value and usefulness of Facebook, I've been thinking about Twitter. It seems like saying things is smaller soundbites, and saying things more often might be the ticket. But then, maybe just figuring out Facebook makes more sense. What do you think?

By-the-way, what are you doing for Lent? I have taken a cue from one of my colleagues to write every day about "Where have I seen God's hand today?" It's great to just pause to think about big and little things that appear to have been touched by the guiding hand of God. Yesterday I wrote, "I see God's hand in the beauty of another rainless day to allow me riding pleasure. In the sacrifice of a certain individual (name removed) in rearranging her schedule to make the Sunday meeting work - it is the amazing nature of God's people to be unselfish."

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