Monday, January 3, 2011

Dutch Blitz - Family Style

It would have been great to get a photo of our family's - after Christmas dinner - Dutch Blitz game. Picture this - eight adults around the dining room table playing with eight decks of cards. That's right, 8 decks of Dutch Blitz cards at once. Fortunately there was a new deck and an well-worn deck of rags. We still marked the rags to make it easier to sort after each round.

Yes, Christmas dinner was settled. We had taken time to sing carols, read the Christmas Story, open gifts, go for a walk around town to look at Christmas lights, and clear the table.

With that many decks and people it made for a whole lot of piles out there at once. Those with faster hands and minds prevailed. A lot of blitzes happened with the winner having only 11 or 12 cards out there. Those of us who aren't known to be super fast never got the experience of a positive score. I'll just say that my son-in-law and I ended up tied at minus 45.

If you don't know how this game works, google it at and learn all about it. I'll include a picture of it below.

This was on Boxing Day, and we did it all again 3 days later upon returning home from Diane's birthday dinner at a favourite local restaurant. Actually this time we only went with four decks, dividing the responsibilities for each deck between two people. It was still a riot!

Oh, by-the-way, did I tell you about this year's new Christmas Tradition. It is our married kids dividing up the leftovers to take home. Actually it started as a Thanksgiving Tradition, and will carry on as an Easter Tradition as well!

1 comment:

jillkaris said...

I think the leftovers tradition may be an 'every meal at home' tradition. Hope that's ok, Mom!