Monday, November 15, 2010

Installing Pastors

Almost every time we are getting ready to install a new pastor, somebody comes up with a wise crack about installing a light bulb, a dryer or kitchen cabinets.

I agree that it is a word with multiple meanings. I also agree that it seems like a bit of a strange word to use. But, it is also the best word. Some may suggest words like: commissioning or blessing. These words have good meaning, but they don't say it right and they don't say it all. What we are recognising is a new start for a new pastor in a particular congregation in a particular place. Similarily, when light bulbs, dryers, and kitchen cupboards are installed, they represent a new start in a particular place.

So, we installed Aaron Roorda as associate/youth pastor at Eden Mennonite Church in Chilliwack. We installed Jonathan Deng as fulltime (previously half time) pastor at White Rock Mennonite Christian Fellowship. We installed Gordon Carter as pastor at United Mennonite Church in Black Creek (on Vancovuer Island). And, we installed Tim Froese as associate pastor at Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver. So there you have it.

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