Monday, April 5, 2010

Searching for Pastors

A big part of my work life is helping congregations search well when they are needing a new pastor. Right now we have five searches going on and a couple of others who are considering it. Eden Mennonite Church in Chilliwack is looking for a associate pastor with primary responsibility towards the youth; Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver is looking for an associate with responsibility for youth and young adults (and possibility worship if the right person is found); Chinese Grace Mennonite Church in Vancouver looking for a youth/English pastor; United Mennonite Church, Black Creek (on Vancouver Island) is looking for a lead pastor; and Kelowna First Mennonite Church is also looking for a lead pastor.

The value of getting a good fit in a pastor/congregation relationship is immense, and sets the stage for a good journey together. This is why MCBC is giving a significant effort toward helping congregations search well. I have put a lot of miles on in meeting with search committees, and I am more than willing to continue to make this a number one priority.

If there is a transition happening that we don't know about, please let us know so that we can help you get at the best resources to do a good search and find a good fit.

Another part of a good journey together is having a Pastor Congregation Relations Committee. This should not be the church board or any other committee in the structures of congregational leadership. It is a neutral committee that is a liaison between the congregation and pastor. These committee members are available to hear the pastor's concerns, as well as the congregation's concerns. They are also there to make sure regular encouragement is passed on. They stand in the gap to help the relationship to be strong, open and healthy.

Please call me at any time. You can also get very helpful resources at the Mennonite Church Canada website, Go to the Resource Centre and then type in a search for Ministry Transitions. There will be documents to download on all of these matters.

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