Throughout my years of pastoring people have often mentioned that the summer slowdown must be nice in my work. I have usually said that the change of pace from scheduled events to planning and connecting with people less formally is nice, but I haven't really seen the kind of slowdown that is imagined. In fact, the language of catchup is probably more correct that slowdown. Summer does give space for a vacation break and that's great. The break is probably more real for the members and volunteers who are able to take a break from church by being away on weekends because their ministry responsibilities stop for the summer. Regarding the crazy busyness that doesn't really stop during the summer for pastors - we do it to ourselves because we love what we are doing.
Regarding the fall - this year it all came from every direction at once sometime in the middle of last week. There were meetings - and the related tasks that always come out of meetings, the need to make a quick trip to Kelowna to care for some church matters, the need to do some writing - for this blog, and out of that, some reflections for News 'n Notes, getting ready for this year's Pastor/Spouse Retreat, working out some computer glitches, and doing my volunteer responsibilities as the communications coordinator for the Place of Refuge board (the board for our recently opened drug and alcohol recovery house in Vancouver).
Of course, there is the need to juggle things to accommodate my fitness schedule (i.e. the fall hockey schedule). I can't always change the busyness of work, but I can keep my life healthy in the midst of it by giving appropriate attention to my fitness and diet.
It is interesting that we don't have any pastoral installations, licensings or ordinations this fall. I believe it is the Lord's timing to allow for these other priorities to receive their due.
So, your prayers are appreciated - for me, and for all our pastors in MCBC as we serve and lead in the work of the Kingdom.