Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My response to the MCBC Annual Meeting

I think the meetings went very well. There was a positive - forward thinking atmosphere. I was really blessed by the installation service and the very special gifts I was given by people from MCBC and my home congregation, Sherbrooke Mennonite Church. The theme that "We're in a new place" was fitting. It was great to celebrate our togetherness. It was great to see a strong commitment to move forward with building an adult-0riented retreat facility at Camp Squeah. The hope is that it would be ready sometime in 2009.

There is also some tough work ahead. I was encouraged that the delegates gave their approval to the proposed process for working with the congregations that did not sign at our re-covenanting celebration last year (May 2007). But, the work related to this matter will not be easy. I ask your prayers for the MCBC leadership as we engage in this work - prayers for courage, wisdom, grace and love.

Look for pictures as soon as I get some together - probably next week.

I look forward to any of your comments.